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There has been a lot of news around over last couple of months on Wheat Flour bans which is now finally come to a relief for many. India has now allowed many organizations to further export Flours made from Imported Wheat. This is addition to the food processing demands to allow for these products.

This year we have seen a steep rise in the weather which lead to some harsh decisions by the government. We all know, India is certainly one of the largest production house for the Grains and also second to global consumption of the staple. The rises have gone up globally.

The Indian Government has been strictly been monitoring the movements of Wheat and Wheat Flour exports to tap on the local prices. The ban issued raise a deman for Indian Wheat Flour to over two hundred and fifty percent from the previous year.

Sadly, these might strike some significant changes to food shorates in the world where it’s required at most. Let’s stay tuned on further addition these bans and lifts which affect Indian as well as Global Economy.